Tree Campus Healthcare认可项目将各种规模的住院医疗机构与当地社区林业项目联系起来,以改善人类健康状况, while improving the extent and condition of the community forest. Our vision is that healthcare providers, 他们的病人, 员工, 邻居们都能享受到更健康的生活方式的好处——让他们与加拿大28回水木和城市森林一起活动.

Eligible Healthcare Facilities

Facilities in the U.S. 提供住院医疗服务有资格获得Tree Campus healthcare认可, including hospitals, 高级护理, and other residential rehabilitation properties.

Standards for Recognition


Standard 1: Advisory Committee

每个合格的设施或校园将有一个咨询委员会来指导这个项目. 该委员会应包括来自不同领域的校园专业人士, 员工, 和其他人, with a minimum of three members. 委员会应尽可能包括下列团体的代表:

  • Facility managers
  • Grounds managers
  • 管理员
  • Marketing, communications, or community relations staff
  • Community benefit staff
  • Healthcare providers
  • Patients, patient advocates, or residents
  • Community forestry advocates or officials

而在设施内照顾加拿大28回水木的责任可能最终落在设施场地经理身上, 谘询委员会可就未来的种植提供意见,并倡导可持续的校园加拿大28回水木保育计划. It can also develop plans for community events and projects, promote experiences with trees and 森林 for 病人 and staff, 并在社区开展宣传活动,宣传加拿大28回水木对人类健康的益处.

Standard 2: Facility Tree 护理 Plan

任何努力的进步——实现既定目标的能力——都始于一个计划. 一个好的加拿大28回水木护理计划首先要了解现在存在的情况,然后提供未来的愿景. It can also provide 病人, 游客, 员工们了解加拿大28回水木的价值,以及它们如何为一个致力于治疗的设施做出贡献.

合格计划将管理员工和承包商的管理实践. It will describe standards for managing trees, with planned schedules for treatments, 比如修剪, 施肥, integrated pest management (IPM) practices, planting and removals. The Plan is a permanent feature of the program, but is a living document, so we suggest that the Plan be updated at least every five years.

对于在自己的财产上很少或没有加拿大28回水木景观空间的设施(由于建筑足迹和强制停车要求), facilities may craft a plan for the street, 大道, or park trees near or adjacent to the campus. 在这种情况下, 设施必须在一定程度上积极参与加拿大28回水木管理活动, through written agreement with the local municipal authority.

The Facility Tree 护理 Plan will, at minimum:

  1. Identify the site manager with responsibility for executing the plan.
  2. 包括 a site map of the property, showing existing trees, 森林, and other landscaping, as well as potential planting areas.
  3. 包括一个声明,该设施将坚持加拿大28回水木护理行业 standards and best practices for planting, landscaping, maintenance, and removal.
  4. 包括 tree protection standards for construction projects, including procedures for contractors, 处罚, and an enforcement policy.
  5. 包括至少一个加拿大28回水木种植或管理的目标,这将指导未来五年的活动.

Standard 3: Community Forestry Project

The healthcare facility seeking recognition will develop, 引领, and/or fund one or more community forestry projects during the year, primarily at off-campus locations. 该标准的目的是在设施和当地社区林业倡议之间建立有意义的联系,使居民受益, 病人 and 员工.

Projects may include 植加拿大28回水, 加拿大28回水的维护, 加拿大28回水的库存, 加拿大28回水的监控, 或者其他符合社区林业计划目标的做法, 如果存在的话. Activities may occur on private or public property, so long as community residents benefit from the project.

Projects must be sponsored in some way by the healthcare facility, either through direct expenses or in-kind services, such as volunteer time. 城市财产上的项目必须与适当的城市部门协调,并符合植加拿大28回水和护理的最佳做法.

Community forestry project ideas include, but are not limited to:

  • 志愿在城市街道或城市公园植加拿大28回水或维护加拿大28回水木
  • 与当地加拿大28回水木委员会合作的项目,支持美国加拿大28回水城的地位
  • Tree inventory (streets, parks, or other property in the community)
  • Tree care in a local arboretum that is accessible to the public
  • 与当地高等教育学院或大学的合作服务项目
  • 与社区服务组织或非营利性组织合作
  • Tree giveaways for 员工 and residents

Standard 4: Celebrate & 教育

年内, 该设施将至少赞助一个庆祝活动,比如植加拿大28回水节,或者是一个强调加拿大28回水木之间联系的意识活动, 自然, and human health.

There is compelling research that trees, 森林, and outdoor activity can improve human health outcomes. 在地方一级将这项研究付诸实践可以减少住院时间, improve outcomes for chronic disease, improve many psychological disorders, and lower overall treatment costs. 医疗机构可以开展各种提高认识和教育活动,向患者提供信息, 家庭, 员工, 或者社区居民关于加拿大28回水木和森林对健康生活方式的价值.

庆祝活动可以在社区植加拿大28回水节举行的任何地方举行, or even on campus when the event is open to the public. Arbor Day provides a golden opportunity for 员工, 病人, 游客, 社区庆祝加拿大28回水木造福我们生活的所有方式,特别是加拿大28回水木改善人类健康的方式.

This standard can be met through a variety of ways, such as:

  • 走廊海报,解释大自然的景色和经历如何减轻压力, improve cognitive function, and have a calming effect
  • “与医生同行”项目,在社区的户外环境中将病人和医生联系起来
  • 开展关于加拿大28回水木和森林及其与人类健康关系的教育运动, 为员工, 病人, 或者公众
  • 向公众宣传城市加拿大28回水木对当地交通的好处, 在图书馆, or other public facilities
  • Arbor Day Health Fair at city hall or at the facility
  • Sponsorship of the city Arbor Day event at a local park

Standard 5: Financial Investment

衡量加拿大28回水木与社区健康之间关系的一个指标是每年对加拿大28回水木项目的财政投资, 教育活动, and community outreach—both on and off-campus. Though not mandatory, 建议该设施每年为每位员工投资2美元(相当于全日制)。, either as cash or in-kind expenses, or in combination.

工厂将被要求记录与上述每项标准相关的成本, from all sources within the organization. Costs may include, but are not limited to:

  • Costs for implementing the Facility Tree Plan, specifically the goals and objective(s) identified in the plan.
  • Out-of-pocket costs for: trees, 设备, 以及为设施或社区植加拿大28回水或维护(修剪)而购买的用品, 浇水, 覆盖, 除草等.)项目.
  • Costs associated with Arbor Day events, other celebrations, or public education materials and campaigns.
  • 咨询委员会的服务价值,或员工在三个项目上的劳动价值(例如 National Volunteer Rate assigns a value for one hour of volunteer time at $25.43 in 2019).
  • 与设施工作人员培训或与加拿大28回水木护理有关的证书有关的费用(i.e., Certified Grounds Manager, Certified Arborist, Certified Treecare Safety Professional等.).
  • 从该设施直接现金捐赠给市政林业项目或当地非营利组织进行管理, 植加拿大28回水, or tree care projects.

Tree Campus Healthcare是植加拿大28回水节基金会的一个项目,与以下机构合作:

Professional Partner
